Wednesday, 6 March 2013

Freedom House

Freedom House, is part of the "Prison Fellowship" network of places for offenders to be given a chance at turning their lives around. I made a short visit to meet Pastor Miguel recently with Mission Partner Julie Cunningham, who is developing a Social Work ministry with the Methodist Church in Belize. She has agreed to provide support and counselling to about a dozen men that live and work together and are supported towards rehabilitation. The hose seeks to be self sustaining by making crafts, sweets and selling products. Devotion and prayer are essential parts of the day. Esential to Miguel's ministry is the fact that he has been an offender, he speaks about how life revolved around the drug culture until he became a user,and pusher and was caught and sentenced. In our meeting he spoke about how his live had been redeemed by God's Grace and he said... "Often when I think about my life, I look at my hands, I look at them and realise they are real and I am still here, not dead but alive, I thank God for that Grace that saved me" Miguel is a BIG man as we were parting we shook hands and just before we left he asked me to take a picture of a small and delicate creation - a humming's bird nest. Once, he was alive for the next fix, now he is is alive to notice the small and beautiful I thought... what a miracle of God's grace.


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