For more than 50 years the beautiful contry of Colombia has been in civil war. The Government, Left wing paramilitary groups and drug cartels have been waring with each other. In the middle of all this are the beautiful people of Colombia. Most of whom have little to do with drugs and violence for which Colombia has gained a reputation. In recent times the political climate has started to change and there is a real interest and a will amongs many to seek a negotiated settlement. The Latin American Council of Churches (CLAI) has started a programme in Colombia to ultimately support communities that have been caight up in these struggles to call for and accompany the poorest communties in a peaceful application of justice. Can this be done? Before attending the Methodist Conference in Medellin, I am in Bogota listening to what success has been achieved by the national council of churches in establishing this. That the theme has been raised with new groups that have become interested in this process has been a major sucess. We are meeting in the Anglican Church in Bogota. Sadly I was struck that for such an important theme more women and younger people are not present.
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