Saturday, 3 December 2011

Travelling with St. Paul

In a shopping mall in Honduras in search of clerical shirts to give to local pastors, I found this shop next to the chemists' where I bought a talcum powder called Amens. The image I invite you to spend a while with and reflect on. There is Jesus, Mary, Christmas, Credit, Cross, Christianity, St.Paul, Society and so much more. Let me know through your response to this post if you see any others.

A few hours later, I found myself "travelling" - An hour's travel by air to El Salvador (The Saviour) became a whole days' journey, part of which was to trust that someone I had never met before would be there waiting for me at a stage in the journey. The new friend, took me on a remarkable journey of frightening tailgating for two hours. At which point I received an email from a friend in the UK who was celebrating a special family event in a place that I had introduced him to. Almost instantly we exchanged this information and photos of where we were in different time zones. After which I called my wife and said I had safely!!!! arrived at my destination.

The next day I woke up to the sound of a cockcrow, read the bible (1 Corinthians 13 & 14), listened live to Radio 4 and thanked God for the JOURNEY thus far.  

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