Wednesday, 9 February 2011

Leaving Coronel

'Mountains bow down, and the seas will roar...'

'Did you feel the mountains tremble, did you hear the seas roar?'

We sing these words so easily sometimes. Perhaps for me these words now have greater poignancy.

Not a bad description of Coronel really. Surrounded by the Pacific Ocean, Coronel is a place surrounded by great beauty - mountains and seas - and yet also bears the physical scars of the earthquake which flattened it almost a year ago.

In the centre of the city is a plaza in which an evangelistic style concert was produced for each of the two days that we were there. One, hillsong (if you ask any of the young people about London, the first conversation you will get is about hillsong london!) The second a hip hop crew.

Many people turned up for both events - and many stayed for the whole thing, albeit at the edges.

God worked in the lives of the people at the concerts - but perhaps more so in the young people themselves - as the 3hour after-event service indicates!

Coronel is still rebuildng, but there is no doubt that the church is alive and well!

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1 comment:

  1. sounds like you're having an amazing time out there. hope you're getting enough sleep between 1am service endings and 4am wake up calls!
